Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chia Seed Benefits

Who Cares? We Care! is excited about its beneficial all-natural products. Chia seeds are an ingredient of choice at the WCWC Fitness Facility. Not only do they help control and suppress your appetite, but they are great neutrally-tasting additives which can be used in a variety of food and health drink combinations.

What are Chia Seeds?

Chia plant (Salvia hispanica) belongs to the mint family of Lamiaceae and is native to some parts of Mexico and Guatemala. Although part of the mint family, these black or white seeds do not impart any mint flavor, instead having no particular flavor at all. Flavor or no flavor, these seeds have been known for increasing physical endurance and energy.

It is believed that the cultivation of chia plants as a food source, dates back to the time of the Aztecs. As per archaeological evidences, the use of chia seeds can be traced back to 3500 B.C. Even today, this plant is widely cultivated in these regions, as people have realized the nutritional value of these seeds. They contain a balanced blend of protein, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. Over the last few years, chia seeds have gained a lot of popularity and as such the plant is grown commercially in many parts of the world.

Australia is the biggest producer of chia seeds, which is now marketed under various names. Even the oil extracted from chia seeds are found to have a high nutritional value. Both seeds and oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antoxidants and amino acids.

What are some of the Benefits of Chia Seeds?

*Sustained increase of endurance and energy
*Builds and promotes lean muscle mass
*Supports cardiovascular health
*Stabilizes blood glucose levels
*Reduces cravings for sweets and junk foods
*Improved mental focus and concentration
*Super hydration and electrolyte balance
*Supports healthy elimination and detoxification

Chia Seeds for Weight Loss

Chia seeds are like nutrition bullets, that have been known to be great weapons against the enemy; obesity. It's been known as a 'dieter's dream food' because of its weight loss benefits. Eating chia seeds not only helps trim down and get rid of those unsightly flabs, but the various chia seeds also help increase overall body health.

Besides their high nutritional value and beneficial fatty acid content, chia seeds also contain a soluble fiber that forms a gelatin-like mass when bound to water. When this happens inside the human digestive tract, it slows the digestive process and helps to effectively alleviate and suppress hunger. Combined with the effects of increased metabolic energy and endurance, chia seeds are a powerful weight loss aid.

Chia Seeds for Appetite Suppression

Chia seeds were valued crops for the Mayan and Aztec civilizations. The Aztec warriors depended on chia seeds for energy and survival, as these seeds sustained them for about 24 hours. Their high fiber content keeps you full for longer, thereby suppressing one's appetite. When added to foods, they add bulk and prevent overeating as well. Thus, even if a person eats the typical serving of some food, he or she feels much fuller due to the chia seeds added to it. For example, adding just one tbsp of chia seeds to one cup of salad will fill you up completely and will get rid of hunger pangs between meals.

Chia Seeds for Increased Energy

Chia seeds slow down the conversion of carbs to fat, and thus when brought in contact with water, chia seeds swell up from 7 to 10 times their regular size due to the fantastic fiber structure within them. This high fiber content keeps us full and the nutrients present in the seeds furnishes the body with necessary energy to meet the challenges set before us during the day.

When a person eats these seeds they absorb moisture to form a gel-like consistency in the stomach, forming a barrier between the carbs consumed and intestinal dietary enzymes due to which the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar is slowed down. Thus, a steady source of energy is supplied to the body and the blood sugar level is stabilized. As we know, when the blood sugar level gets stabilized, the person does not crave for fatty or sugary foods, thereby preventing


We invite you to come and taste one of our many nutritional - and all natural - health drinks. Schedule your visit by calling the Who Cares? We Care! main office at (813) 443-5654 or by visiting our main website at

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